plugin Runner (alternative to External Tools)

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plugin Runner (alternative to External Tools)

Post by uvviewsoft »

Plugin for CudaText.
Adds support for build-systems from Sublime Text 3. It runs external tools, using
configurations stored in ST3's build-systems, files with .sublime-build extension.
Only those build-systems are supported that do not require additional Python code
(Python code in ST3 plugin which contained that build-system).

Build-system files must be copied to [CudaText]/data/buildsystems folder.
Sometimes ST3 packages with build-systems include also binaries (.exe files).
These binaries must be copied to [CudaText]/data/buildsystems/tools folder.

Where to get build-systems

* In CudaText, many are already in Addon Manager.
In the menu "Plugins / Addon Manager / Install", you can find the package
"Many Build Systems", containing 40+ build-systems.

* You can find more in the Sublime Text ecosystem, and place
them to CudaText "data/buildsystems" folder.

* You can write you own, according to Sublime Text docs.
For example, "Free Pascal" build-system was made by Alexey T, it's
in Addon Manager in that big package.


Plugin gives commands in the main menu "Plugins / Runner":

* Build -- Run main command from the build-config.
* Build with... -- Show menu to choose from all variants in the build-config,
and run chosen item.
* Choose build config... -- Associate some build-config with current lexer.
For documents without lexer the file extension is used.
* Next/Previous output -- Switch the CudaText Output panel between recent logs
(for ex, if you run build-system 3 times, you have 3 recent logs).
* Cancel build -- Stop the currently running external process.

Config file

Plugin has the config file, which is accessible via main menu:
"Options / Settings-plugins / Runner". Options:

* "max_logs" -- Maximal count of recent logs, which are remembered.
* "lexmap" -- Lexer to build-system associations, edited through "Choose build config..." dialog.
* "extmap" -- File-mask (Unix shell-style wildcards) to build-system association,
edited through "Choose build config..." dialog.

It is possible to bind hotkey to a specific build command. This can be done by
adding subcommand description to the "subcommands" category in the plugin's config.
Format of subcommand:
"<caption>": "<build system>|<command name>"

* <caption> -- Custom name of new command to be displayed in Command Pallete.
* <build system> -- Filename of build system (with or without extension).
* <command name> -- Name of command in build system, as listed in the "Build with..." dialog.

For example:

Code: Select all

  "subcommands": {
    "Quick Py lint": "python_stuff|lint"
This will add command "Quick Py lint" to Command Palette, that will run "lint" command from
"python_stuff.sublime-build" build-system.

Log lines

Additional information can be added to the build logs, format of which can be customized via
config options "build_log_start_info" and "build_log_finish_info".
Many macros are supported here:

* Values from build system - ... ec_options
* Document variables - ... e-packages
* Build process information:

* $build_name -- Name of build-system.
* $start_time -- Date/time when process was executed.
* $duration -- Duration of process running.
* $return_code -- Return-code of the process.

PATH variable

Key "path" in build-systems allows to change OS PATH variable.
Using ":" separator on Unix:

Code: Select all

  "path": "$PATH:/my/dir",
and ";" separator on Windows:

Code: Select all

  "path": "$PATH;C:\\my\\dir",


Author: Shovel,
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How to do autosave before run ?
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main Alexey
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Post by main Alexey »

Added several build-systems from ST4 (changed a little for CudaText).
Addons Manager has new package "Many build systems from ST4".
It contains

C via GCC.sublime-build
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