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by iferius
19.09.2017 09:00
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Syntax tree
Replies: 6
Views: 10948

Ooh, I missed that! Is something similar possible in CudaText? I work on the lexer in Synwrite, but I'd like my colleagues to use it in Cuda.
by iferius
19.09.2017 08:49
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Syntax tree
Replies: 6
Views: 10948

I made the lexer myself, because I often have to find my way in huge log files. Occasionally, a java error stack will pop up somewhere in the file. I've created a rule to give them a nice red background in the edit screen and a bright red name in the syntax tree.
by iferius
19.09.2017 08:45
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Syntax tree
Replies: 6
Views: 10948

Perhaps I could write a macro to search for the error marker - can I run a macro automatically after the lexer finishes building the tree?
by iferius
19.09.2017 08:34
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Syntax tree
Replies: 6
Views: 10948

Syntax tree

Is there a way to make certain items always appear in the syntax tree - that is, to not have the syntax tree collapse by default if one of these items is present? As can be read in my other posts, I'm using Synwrite/Cudatext to view logs (works great, btw!), and whenever a major error occurs it appe...
by iferius
14.09.2017 13:00
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Lexer rules wil multiple conditions
Replies: 4
Views: 2533

... For some reason my reply wan't posted. Let's try that again. Okay, so when I create a lexer rule, I can add conditions on the last tab (conveniently called "conditions"). Now I've had single conditions work just fine, but if I want to have two consecutive conditions (index 0: be of the...
by iferius
12.09.2017 11:03
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Lexer rules wil multiple conditions
Replies: 4
Views: 2533

Lexer rules wil multiple conditions

How do lexer rules with multiple condition indexes work?
by iferius
17.07.2017 13:23
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Close all open ranges by single regex/rule
Replies: 6
Views: 3021

Thanks for the help! Maybe a sub-lexer will do the trick, and if not, I'll just figure out a way to close as much as possible. I haven't tried macro's in Synw yet, this might be a good opportunity to learn!
by iferius
17.07.2017 08:50
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Close all open ranges by single regex/rule
Replies: 6
Views: 3021

We're halfway there! This works with different ranges, but not with nested versions of the same range:

Code: Select all

by iferius
14.07.2017 15:10
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Close all open ranges by single regex/rule
Replies: 6
Views: 3021

I'll give you an example. <a> <b> </b> <b> <c> Log terminated at this point. This is what I get when a new session starts (in the same log file): <a> This is what I want to achieve: <a> Essentially, I want one token (the string "\session\start'", to be exact) to close all unclosed ranges s...
by iferius
14.07.2017 13:59
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Close all open ranges by single regex/rule
Replies: 6
Views: 3021

Close all open ranges by single regex/rule

So I'm still using my own custom lexer to view logs, which is a massive improvement over the simple highlighting that Notepad++ offered. For the next version, I want to really make use of the tree view to navigate the log; however, I'm having trouble resetting the tree when a session is ended abrupt...