Search found 51 matches

by lookoutside
17.10.2022 02:34
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: clipboard data lost after cudatext being clozed (ubuntu)
Replies: 3
Views: 1066

clipboard data lost after cudatext being clozed (ubuntu)

clipboard data get lost after cudatext being clozed (ubuntu) GTK2-64 Cudatext Details: 1. I cut some text in the clipboard from cudatext to another software, 2. before I paste, I close cudatext, and open the other software, 3. Then, I paste from clipboard, but nothing is there. 4. When I r...
by lookoutside
05.10.2022 14:39
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: suggestion for lexlib/restructuredtext.lcf about CJK head
Replies: 2
Views: 846

suggestion for lexlib/restructuredtext.lcf about CJK head

Cudatext can highlight the parsed rst head by using the bold font. But when come to cjk characters, it stop to work correctly. If you encounter the same problem, please modify the lexlib/restructuredtext.lcf file. The location of the file is different according to you computer, please refer https://...
by lookoutside
05.10.2022 14:21
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Where is the lexlib on ubuntu?
Replies: 2
Views: 936

Thank you. It works exactly as the wiki describing.
by lookoutside
05.10.2022 12:54
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Where is the lexlib on ubuntu?
Replies: 2
Views: 936

Where is the lexlib on ubuntu?

Cudatext's restructuredtext parse has some problem in parsing (bolding) the headings starting with CJK characters. I managed to modify the restructuredtext.lcf on windows and make it work well for me. But on ubuntu, After I make the same modification to /usr/share/cudatext/data/lexlib/restructuredte...
by lookoutside
05.10.2022 12:39
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: Insert code tree as text in the editor
Replies: 3
Views: 1048

Sorry for forgetting to mention the lexers. I think it is useful for both markdown and restructuredtext. I don't know asciidoc, perhaps asciidoc users need it too.
by lookoutside
05.10.2022 00:13
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: Insert code tree as text in the editor
Replies: 3
Views: 1048

Insert code tree as text in the editor

Cudatext can show the code tree on the left panel. I use code tree as a document outline and navigation tool heavily. I hope that the code tree can be inserted as text in the editor , then I can see them when I open or preview them with other software, like cat, gedit. The same function is implement...
by lookoutside
05.10.2022 00:03
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Chinese input problem (solved) on Ubuntu 2022.04
Replies: 12
Views: 3201

Thank you for your help. I test cjk input method with the primitive demo. the same problem exists.

But I have difficulty to post it for lazarus bugtracker. I don't know how to fill in the description of the new issue.

Perhaps I will try in future.
by lookoutside
30.09.2022 01:20
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Chinese input problem (solved) on Ubuntu 2022.04
Replies: 12
Views: 3201

Dear author,

I encounter the same problem again on another Ubuntu 2022.04.

The fact is that the problem only exists on cudatext qt version. The gtk2 version works well.

please use gtk version cudatext.

Thank you!
by lookoutside
21.09.2022 00:37
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: please improve url parser
Replies: 1
Views: 790

please improve url parser

Url can be opened from cudatext directly. It's convenient only if the url is recognized. But some urls are broken by cudatext even when they are normal for firefox/edge/chrome. For example the following url breaks at ``!``.!docs/%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91%E8%80%85/%E6%...
by lookoutside
21.09.2022 00:28
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Chinese input problem (solved) on Ubuntu 2022.04
Replies: 12
Views: 3201

>it's very strange! sometimes I think somebody breaks my lazarus installation, because I (PC) was hacked year ago (somebody got my SourceForce password). if you want to check it, compile Cud from source, v1.170, and check it. sources of 1.170 are at Sourceforge in 'src' dir. Sorry, I don't know how...