Search found 17 matches

by skarsgal
01.01.2025 15:01
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Lexer PureBasic
Replies: 10
Views: 3990

Re: Lexer PureBasic

updated again. added highlight of labels (Name: but not Name::Name). added folding for 'DataSection'. Thank a lot for this PureBasic lexer. :D b.t.w. PureBasic documentation links: 1. PureBasic Reference Manual v6.00 -> url: --> (copy this link ...
by skarsgal
31.12.2024 18:39
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Lexer PureBasic
Replies: 10
Views: 3990

Re: Lexer PureBasic

it is not widespread, and SublimeText syntax file has only 350 downloads. (for popular langs, Sublime files have 3K+ downloads.) It is possible 'translate' the lexer PureBasic from Sublime Text repository ? draft version is made.
by skarsgal
30.12.2024 17:38
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Lexer PureBasic
Replies: 10
Views: 3990

Re: Lexer PureBasic

Before I do, I am interested - how popular is it? ie how many users, how many projects on language? (e.g. FreePascal - many users, and many small projects, and big forum) Unfortunately it is not very widespread even though it is a programming language that has been in development for 20 years. The ...
by skarsgal
29.12.2024 18:01
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Lexer PureBasic
Replies: 10
Views: 3990

Lexer PureBasic

Hi Alexey, I ask you to create the lexer for PureBasic (a very powerful and advanced basic language). I have found the source of this syntax highlighting on Andrè Simon's website: Details: - website: - download area: - download archive 'h...
by skarsgal
19.06.2023 15:58
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: code execution from CudaText
Replies: 7
Views: 1692

much appreciated.
Thank You.
by skarsgal
18.06.2023 18:16
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: code execution from CudaText
Replies: 7
Views: 1692

In "\py\cuda_exttools" there is the subfolder "\lang".
How to set up the language of dialog box (Tools\Config...)? The default it 'ru', but i like swith to 'it_IT'.
by skarsgal
26.02.2023 19:25
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: How does Command Palette work with '@hotkey'?
Replies: 1
Views: 762

How does Command Palette work with '@hotkey'?

I simply wanted to see all the quick search key assignments (for add 'Alt-A' for delete entire line).
So I did: Help --> Command Palette: cuda says --> enter '@hotkey' for show all.
How this works?
Why You do not use a menu like 'Shortcut Mapper' as Notepad++?
by skarsgal
18.02.2023 15:40
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Quick file navigation shortcuts?
Replies: 5
Views: 1907

main Alexey wrote: what do you want to add, if commands already in the Cmd Palette?
Commands found and they work very well.
Thanks a lot.
by skarsgal
17.02.2023 17:32
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Quick file navigation shortcuts?
Replies: 5
Views: 1907

ctrl+home ctrl+end You're right - thanks. I simply forgot to disable Nun Lock. I can add that the Command Palette gives these commands go to text begin go to text begin + select go to text end go to text end + select go to text begin: is it begin of file? go to text end: is it end of file? anyway, ...
by skarsgal
16.02.2023 19:48
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: Quick file navigation shortcuts?
Replies: 5
Views: 1907

Quick file navigation shortcuts?

there are shortcuts that allows the opened file navigation?
For example:
-> go up to Begin file and go down to End of file?