Search found 207 matches

by SamC
18.11.2024 14:39
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: tab key skip empty row
Replies: 0
Views: 90

tab key skip empty row

When select multi-lines and use tab key,the empty line will be skipped. Is there an option can make tab key works for empty line?
by SamC
21.10.2024 08:22
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: how to run 2 cudatext application on windows
Replies: 2
Views: 832

Re: how to run 2 cudatext application on windows

Thanks,that's it. Also get the term 'instance' now~
by SamC
21.10.2024 01:31
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: how to run 2 cudatext application on windows
Replies: 2
Views: 832

how to run 2 cudatext application on windows

How to run 2 cudatext application on windows?And any points need to notice when run multi cudatex?
by SamC
11.09.2024 02:20
Forum: Plugins
Topic: dlg of Find in Files 4 is too large
Replies: 2
Views: 2985

dlg of Find in Files 4 is too large

When open find in file4 plugin, the window size is too larger. Its size seems to be 2 times of my screen,as I have two screens.
It seems can't remember the last size user set.
by SamC
31.08.2024 02:14
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: about *.cuda-proj file
Replies: 4
Views: 5198

Re: about *.cuda-proj file

main Alexey wrote: 30.08.2024 10:32 fixed it now.
get updated file from
(check that you got NOT HTML content).
Works well now,Thanks!
by SamC
30.08.2024 09:41
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: about *.cuda-proj file
Replies: 4
Views: 5198

Re: about *.cuda-proj file

OK, will be changed like this. do it on your copy of py/cuda_project_man/, remove this: for fn in bads: self.project["nodes"].remove(fn) It seems some more modification for on_start should be done. Thanks! Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\cudatext\py\cuda_projec...
by SamC
30.08.2024 09:05
Forum: Issues solved
Topic: about *.cuda-proj file
Replies: 4
Views: 5198

about *.cuda-proj file

Hello, Sometimes,I create a project with folder in portable device. After I remove the portable device and restart cuda,that node will be deleted automaticly. Is it possible to always keep that node but with "x" mark when that node path is unmounted untill be deleted manually? Thanks! Snip...
by SamC
26.08.2024 10:51
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: changing files orders in project panel
Replies: 18
Views: 11212

Re: changing files orders in project panel

main Alexey wrote: 26.08.2024 10:08 It was an issue in FindInFiles 4. was fixed some weeks ago. do you use last version?
Updated and solved. Thanks~
by SamC
26.08.2024 08:46
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: changing files orders in project panel
Replies: 18
Views: 11212

Re: changing files orders in project panel

For the added command:action_find_in_directory.
It seems for the first time,Find in Files 4 will use the select node path as the string in From box. But when use this command at second time,it will use path before,rather than the select node path now.
by SamC
26.08.2024 08:15
Forum: General - CudaText
Topic: changing files orders in project panel
Replies: 18
Views: 11212

Re: changing files orders in project panel

main Alexey wrote: 26.08.2024 07:56 1. Make sure you got python files, not HTML files, from github.
2. Revert python files from distributive, then it must work.
Works now,a space key is added in the init python file by mistake. Thanks!