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by Matthias
25.05.2016 06:18
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Del spell-checker (make a plugin)
Replies: 7
Views: 2701

I know that splitting features into addons gives better handling for developers. So it's best choice for CUDA and I understand your effort in doing this.
by Matthias
24.05.2016 16:57
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Del spell-checker (make a plugin)
Replies: 7
Views: 2701

I see. As I don't like to have so much functionality provided as plugin, I stick with older SW version which has all necessary functions built-in. Maybe I switch to Cuda later if it is same powerful as SW. :-)
by Matthias
24.05.2016 12:21
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Del spell-checker (make a plugin)
Replies: 7
Views: 2701

right, i forgot
by Matthias
24.05.2016 11:27
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Del spell-checker (make a plugin)
Replies: 7
Views: 2701

If you remove old spellchecker and provide new spell checker as addon only, then new spellchecker should be available in toolbar. It is very inconvenient to click through addon menu tree to use new spellchecker.
by Matthias
14.10.2015 06:26
Forum: Bugs, issues
Topic: [wontfix] Wrong result of "Spaces to tabs (all)"
Replies: 4
Views: 11561

A spam bot has posted a lot of spam during the last 2 days. We have deleted all these posts. Probably you got a notification for one of these.
by Matthias
30.09.2014 05:45
Forum: Lexers
Topic: PowerShell ACP File
Replies: 4
Views: 2762

Thanks. It's useful for me.
by Matthias
07.11.2012 17:05
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Simple Lexer
Replies: 5
Views: 2826

Regex is much powerful but hard to understand. If you're interested, the link from Alex gives a good start into regex knowledge. Let me explain the 1st regex. "^\*.*$" represents any line that starts with a star "*". now take a closer look on every single regex part: ^ - marks th...
by Matthias
06.11.2012 16:50
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Simple Lexer
Replies: 5
Views: 2826

This should be simple. First create 3 new "styles" and set your colors for the lines. Then add 3 new objects in "parser" with following content. first line: ^\*.*$ second line: ^\|.*$ third line: ^_.*$ for every parser object set one of your created "styles" in "to...
by Matthias
06.10.2012 15:59
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Please read this first!
Replies: 2
Views: 22021

Welcome aboard Stefan! It was about time for making this step. A professional editor needs a professional platform for users. Fortunately SourceForge offers free webspace with preinstalled mySQL + PHP support, it was not hard to bring this phpBB-based discussion board into life. I'm still involved i...
by Matthias
06.10.2012 09:59
Forum: Lexers
Topic: Please read this first!
Replies: 2
Views: 22021

Please read this first!

Welcome to the SynWrite discussion forums! You find a bug or have ideas how to improve this editor? Then let us know your thoughts. SynWrites growed over the last years by realizing many user wishes, so take part of this project and help to make it even better ;) Some information about using this fo...