Search found 2 matches

by REVerdi
14.02.2017 00:16
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Double click to select all occurrences
Replies: 3
Views: 1316

Thank you for the reply! I installed Hilite. I had to think a little :) but I managed to set it up for the behavior I wanted ;) [op] min_len=2 max_size=400000 sel_allow=1 sel_allow_white_space=1 sel_case_sensitive=1 sel_words_only=0 sel_whole_words=1 caret_allow=0 caret_case_sensitive=1 caret_whole_...
by REVerdi
10.02.2017 01:29
Forum: General - SynWrite
Topic: Double click to select all occurrences
Replies: 3
Views: 1316

Double click to select all occurrences

SyncEditing is amazing and 100% essential to me! But I miss double click on a word and SynWrite selects all occurrences of that word. Is there any option to enable this?