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ARM version: broken editor font renreding
Posted: 13.11.2021 10:51
by somewhat
Tried using it in Raspbian (Raspberry Pi OS) and the UI looks like this (see attached image):
Menus seems ok, but editor looks totally zoomed out, maybe like 1%. Changing font type or size does not help.
Raspberry Pi 4 model B,
uname -r
(no similar problem with other apps spotted)
Thanks, Adam
Posted: 13.11.2021 11:58
by main Alexey
What is the content of user.json ? Did you try to write there:
"font_size__linux": 12
"font_size__linux": 22
Posted: 13.11.2021 12:51
by somewhat
I had it (after playing with GUI settings):
"font_name__linux" : "FreeMono",
"font_size__linux" : 72,
"ui_theme" : "",
"ui_theme_syntax" : ""
Now I have it:
"font_name__linux" : "DejaVu Sans Mono",
"font_size__linux" : 12,
and it looks the same (also 22). Doesn't make any difference. Even without font_name__linux specified.
Posted: 13.11.2021 13:08
by main Alexey
Since RPi 4 is 64 bit, can you try these versions?:
CudaText linux aarch64
CudaText linux aarch64 qt5 - see
Posted: 13.11.2021 17:41
by somewhat
While RPi 4 CPU is aarch64, my Rasbian is v7l+ so it doesn't work there (tried that).
The Raspberry OS aarch64 version is still beta and I also use v7l version because aarch64 libwidevine version isn't available (need that library for playing DRM protected media).
I'll try installing CudaText to another board with aarch64 Ubuntu Mate and tell you if it worked or not.
Posted: 13.11.2021 18:30
by somewhat
Posted from another board - Banana Pi M64 with Ubuntu Mate (4.4.89-BPI-M64-Kernel).
CudaText linux aarch64 version seems ok.
CudaText linux aarch64 qt5 version (after installing libQt5Pas) seems also ok.
CudaText linux arm version doesn't start at all (No such file or directory).
Posted: 13.11.2021 23:44
by main Alexey
I don't underrstand the problem with missing text (tiny font), sorry, cannot help yet. If you need it, I may prepare the ARM Qt5 version (needs libQt5pas).
Posted: 14.11.2021 07:37
by somewhat
The arm (v7l) build is probably problematic while aarch64 builds look fine.
I could also try compiling CudaText from sources directly on my RPi 4 B board...
Posted: 14.11.2021 12:30
by main Alexey
>I could also try compiling CudaText from sources
It's not needed, you won't get new result.
Posted: 14.11.2021 15:46
by somewhat
So if it won't take you too much time and you can prepare that Arm v7l Qt5 build, I could test it.
I'm not in a hurry. Thanks.