CudaText as a Totalcommander Plugin?

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CudaText as a Totalcommander Plugin?

Post by iampowder »

I read your post in the plugin section of the TotalCommander Forum ( ... e30f4079a1) and thought that there is a new textEditor plugin for TC - But ...:(
Are there any plans to make a Cuda-Text-lister-plugin for TC -spez. as a x64 version?
Thanks (also for the synWrite plugin)
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Joined: 30.01.2015 10:00

Post by Rigido »

I used TC for a while and I always used SynWrite as "external editor". Now, thanks to "Lazarus" and someone here in the forum, I switched to Double Commander + CudaText and I configured CT as an external editor. The question is: what a CT plugin for TC/DC would do?

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Post by Alexey »

It would do the QuickView mode (ctrl+Q key in total cmd)
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Post by Alexey »

I have plan to make TCmd plugin. will work on it. in the near month-two
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Joined: 30.01.2015 10:00

Post by Rigido »

Alexey wrote:I have plan to make TCmd plugin. will work on it. in the near month-two
Sorry Alexey to bother you but I tried QuickView (it works on DC too) and, if I understood well, it shows the content of the highlighted file on the other panel.
Now, why I should use a "texteditor" plugin instead of a full featured viewer like (i.e.) UniversalViewer? Just for syntax hilite?

Thank you.
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

It is very popular featre. In Totalcmd. Used to find file by moving cursor in filepanel.
syntax hilite good in QView.
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