> It would be very helpful if the status bar had a panel which showed what selection mode is currently active; it could show a word, such as "Column" or "Stream" (or "Normal")
It is already made in release 1.13.1. See post on forum here.
Statusbar has new panel (you must change config if configured statusbar) "selmode" for this.
It is good. Only thing is that after changing the selection mode via hotkey, the statusbar panel does not update until another key is pressed. If possible, statusbar panel should update as soon as selection-mode hotkey is pressed.
I went back to SynWrite 6.5.1085, and found these graphics on the statusbar panel:
CudaExt plugin has "Scroll current line to screen center." I really thought that CudaText had (I know that SynWrite has) "Scroll current line to top of screen" and "Scroll current line to bottom of screen", but now I can't find them. Am I just missing them? If not, could they be added? I use them quite a bit.