I just prepared a new theme based on the original colors used in Mac OS 9:
https://www.file-upload.net/download-13 ... i.zip.html
In order to make it even more Mac OS 9 like, I would need these keys, which seem not to be available:
"TabFontActiveOthers" : "#777",
"TabFontPassiveOthers" : "#777",
themes Retro9 (color theme, icon themes)
Can I ask you to prepare proper zip file like it's on Cudatext.SF.net (addons dir)?
Also name theme not like Apple OS. e.g. Mac9 is ok.
Information- http://wiki.freepascal.org/CudaText#How ... me_package
How to see all UI theme items- same wiki, below
Also name theme not like Apple OS. e.g. Mac9 is ok.
Information- http://wiki.freepascal.org/CudaText#How ... me_package
How to see all UI theme items- same wiki, below
I decided to call it Retro9. In addition I created an icon set for all 3 toolbars. On Windows it doesn't scale, maybe there is a solution for that.
I put all 4 zip files into one zip file: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13 ... s.zip.html
I put all 4 zip files into one zip file: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13 ... s.zip.html
Soon I will add feature for sidebar set: if OS is scaled, then Cud will auto use other sizes of the same iconset; eg if sidebar icon set is N_22x22, then Cud will use N_33x33 (on 150%) and N_44x44 (on 200%) and N_66x66 (on 300%). you can make these sizes (x33 maybe, x44, x55 maybe, x66 maybe) and pack into the same sidebar iconset.