Powershell lexer

All questions regarding lexer highlighting schemes are discussed here...
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Joined: 25.01.2020 12:15

Post by ANewUser »

There are some problems regarding the types. Highlight the types only in [...] (dot separated identifiers or just an identifier)!
The type-name can be followed by "[]" like "[byte[]]" (it is an byte array type).

Code: Select all

# the built-in type accelerators (the 3rd column contains the full type-names):
# some of them are highlighted without the [...]
accelerators          [accelerators]          System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators              
adsi                  [adsi]                  System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry                    
adsisearcher          [adsisearcher]          System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher                 
array                 [array]                 System.Array                                               
bigint                [bigint]                System.Numerics.BigInteger                                 
bool                  [bool]                  System.Boolean                                             
byte                  [byte]                  System.Byte                                                
char                  [char]                  System.Char                                                
cimclass              [cimclass]              Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimClass               
cimconverter          [cimconverter]          Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimConverter           
ciminstance           [ciminstance]           Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance            
cimtype               [cimtype]               Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimType                
cultureinfo           [cultureinfo]           System.Globalization.CultureInfo                           
datetime              [datetime]              System.DateTime                                            
decimal               [decimal]               System.Decimal                                             
double                [double]                System.Double                                              
float                 [float]                 System.Single                                              
guid                  [guid]                  System.Guid                                                
hashtable             [hashtable]             System.Collections.Hashtable                               
initialsessionstate   [initialsessionstate]   System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState 
int                   [int]                   System.Int32                                               
int16                 [int16]                 System.Int16                                               
int32                 [int32]                 System.Int32                                               
int64                 [int64]                 System.Int64                                               
ipaddress             [ipaddress]             System.Net.IPAddress                                       
long                  [long]                  System.Int64                                               
mailaddress           [mailaddress]           System.Net.Mail.MailAddress                                
powershell            [powershell]            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell                    
psaliasproperty       [psaliasproperty]       System.Management.Automation.PSAliasProperty               
pscredential          [pscredential]          System.Management.Automation.PSCredential                  
pscustomobject        [pscustomobject]        System.Management.Automation.PSObject                      
pslistmodifier        [pslistmodifier]        System.Management.Automation.PSListModifier                
psmoduleinfo          [psmoduleinfo]          System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo                  
psnoteproperty        [psnoteproperty]        System.Management.Automation.PSNoteProperty                
psobject              [psobject]              System.Management.Automation.PSObject                      
psprimitivedictionary [psprimitivedictionary] System.Management.Automation.PSPrimitiveDictionary         
psscriptmethod        [psscriptmethod]        System.Management.Automation.PSScriptMethod                
psscriptproperty      [psscriptproperty]      System.Management.Automation.PSScriptProperty              
psvariable            [psvariable]            System.Management.Automation.PSVariable                    
psvariableproperty    [psvariableproperty]    System.Management.Automation.PSVariableProperty            
ref                   [ref]                   System.Management.Automation.PSReference                   
regex                 [regex]                 System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex                       
runspace              [runspace]              System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace            
runspacefactory       [runspacefactory]       System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory     
sbyte                 [sbyte]                 System.SByte                                               
scriptblock           [scriptblock]           System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock                   
securestring          [securestring]          System.Security.SecureString                               
single                [single]                System.Single                                              
string                [string]                System.String                                              
switch                [switch]                System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter               
timespan              [timespan]              System.TimeSpan                                            
type                  [type]                  System.Type                                                
uint16                [uint16]                System.UInt16                                              
uint32                [uint32]                System.UInt32                                              
uint64                [uint64]                System.UInt64                                              
uri                   [uri]                   System.Uri                                                 
version               [version]               System.Version                                             
void                  [void]                  System.Void                                                
wmi                   [wmi]                   System.Management.ManagementObject                         
wmiclass              [wmiclass]              System.Management.ManagementClass                          
wmisearcher           [wmisearcher]           System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher                 
xml                   [xml]                   System.Xml.XmlDocument                                     

[hashtable] $ht 
$x = [ordered] @{}
[System.Int64] $var # this type is not fully highlighted wrongly
[System.Uri] $var # this type is not highlighted wrongly
$arr[123] # this "array indexing" is highlighted wrongly
# some "array indexing", these are ok
$arr[10 * 10]
$arr[$v / 2]
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

Lexer was fixed per request, pls test.
Posts: 50
Joined: 25.01.2020 12:15

Post by ANewUser »

Thanks, it works fine, but you probably overlooked the mentioned "...[]" array types.
Sorry if it was not unambiguous.
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

made fix for it. lexer updated.
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

Maybe you can record youtube videos? I welcome some video about Cud, as tutorial/lesson.
Posts: 50
Joined: 25.01.2020 12:15

Post by ANewUser »

Video about basic usage or something else?
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

About basic and/or advanced usage, about configuring plugins, installing plugins/lexers
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

@ANewUser any updates on lexers?
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