That is probably a good idea because it gives anyone who knows Python complete control over what messages are actually shown in a message box (whether modal or not) or perhaps a different structure where they could be stacked, scrolled etc.Alexey wrote:to add Python event on_message which is called on showing anything in statusbar (last cell). added it. will be in next v1.100.6 or 1.101. so you know python? you can make a plugin which gets on_message and creates window and puts msg to this window. non modal window! so user works and window shows. it is better make window which STACKS msgs like in Quake's console. last is visible on bottom. window has fixed height. can be resized by user. saves last size.
(I do have a general remark about options though (nothing to do with this specific problem). You wrote: "I don't like this idea. Cud shows status msgs very often (e.g. each jump-to-word-next, each find result, each opening of file, ......)". Well, that is your take and it's a perfectly valid stance. However, other people may have other ideas, other work styles, other preferences. I can't understand in principle why a new option that is by default OFF (so that the program behaves exactly as it did before) can be deemed a bad thing per se. Never mind, back to more important matters.)
I have looked into the Save Dialog and have experimented a bit with it. As I understand it, this dialog tries to do a few things at once: the user has to decide whether to save changes to files into either the files themselves or whether to save those changes into the session file and also which files are to be remembered into the session. Quite a lot to do for a simple dialog box. So the box pops up with all changed files selected and ready to be saved and that makes sense: in this case all changes are saved into their files, all files are kept in the session and no changes are recorded in the selection. Fine.
However, sometimes I want to save no changes at all, not into the files and also not into the session but I want to keep all files in the session. In this case neither "Don't save / Keep in session" nor "Don't save" will do the job: the first saves changes into the session file and the second doesn't keep all files in the session. It seems what I have to do is deselect all checkboxes and then press "Save". That is counter-intuitive but it seems to work. So to make this easier (and also for the case when I want to save only one file in a long list) could you include a button that deselects all checkboxes (or even better, toggles the current selection)?
And sometimes I want to save one file but completely throw away all other changes, not saving them into their files and also not saving them into the session and keep all files in the session. I can't do that in the moment I think?
(Actually, the way I work means that I don't want to save changes at all in the session file: when I leave the editor I know what file changes I want to keep and what can go. So for me an option to completely disable saving changes to the session but to keep all files in the session list would be great. I do see the point of saving changes into the session but it should be easier to disable this.)
I am not sure I am making myself clear.
EDIT: Perhaps the simplest thing would be to have TWO Save Dialogs and an option to choose which one to use: a simple one that only gives the save checkboxes (plus a button to toggle), never saves changes into the session and always saves the list of files into the session. And of course the one that already exists. Just an idea.