Loose ends or stuff that would be nice to have

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Loose ends or stuff that would be nice to have

Post by tmsg »

@Alexey: Just when you thought you could rest on your (well-deserved) laurels after releasing 1.102 this pesky chap pop ups with new ideas :D :D

1. How about a new option to make Cud never save the contents of changed files into the session history file? It's not necessary for my way of working (though it may well be for others, that's why I think adding this as an option with default false would be best). Storing these texts could even be dangerous (for instance when editing confidential files which are stored on an encrypted drive while the cudatext history files are not on an encrypted drive, exactly my case).

2. For some filetypes I would like the underscore _ to be a nonword character (see option nonword_chars). Adding this to the option doesn't seem to work.

3. Could you add spacing_y__linux (and probably ...__mac)? I prefer using "spacing_y": 0 in Windows but unfortunately have to use 1 in Linux. NBD, it just means that I can't fully share the settings.

4. It would be nice to be able to define font styles in theme ui settings. For instance, I have set "tabs, font, modified tab" to bright red. A less bright red but in a bold font would be better though. A nitpick.

5. A new and as yet empty line is marked yellow in the gutter (nice feature). When I change the new line, the yellow turns immediately to red. I would find it more informative (and logical) if it actually stayed yellow until saved, then turning green and later, when edited, red. Another nitpick, really.

6. There's an option for "zebra" mode and I've always used that mode (if available). However, I would like a stripe not every other line but every fifth line. Others may prefer every tenth line, so perhaps this could be made an option, like "zebra" : "10,5" for alpha and count. (While I am at this option business... I find it inconsistent that some string options in user.json use spaces and others use commas as separator.)

(I am now seriously running out of stuff to put on a wishlist :lol: )

Last but not least I've posted a review on three sites. Two are online, one is not as yet (and don't get me started with registering an account with sourceforge :x ):
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

Thanks for reviews! will read them little later.
WIshes are mostly OK, so posted to GH almost all of them -

will reply soon maybe (on GH).
Not sure it's ok to add font-styles to themes. currently most of ui don't support font-styles.
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