Cudatext shell extension caused explorer to crash

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Cudatext shell extension caused explorer to crash

Post by q2z54yok »

With the shell extension installed using the shipped batch script, whenever you select more than one file (regardless if they are text files or not) using Ctrl + click and then right click on the selected explorer will be crashed and asked to be restarted. The problem doesn't happen before the Cudatext shell extension installed.

It's latest Cudatext downloaded from Fosshub, for Windows 64 bit and running on Windows 7 64 bit. I observed something very strange. This shell extension doesn't detect if the file is text file or not, regardless of the file type it will show Open with Cudatext, for zip archives, binary files and as I recall (could be wrong) when you right click on folder or disk drive the Open with Cudatext still appears!

Please rework the Cudatext shell extension. Thanks.
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Joined: 01.12.2020 13:46

Post by uvviewsoft »

I pinged the author of the Shell Extension, will talk at
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