CudaText last release

main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.167.5 .. 1.168.6.
use translated button captions in message-boxes.
command-line parameter '-verbose' for debugging.
command "Undo" handles also color-attribs, which are added e.g. by 'Color Text' plugin.
on macOS, adapt default hotkeys for macOS, for commands: "go to text begin/end", "caret to line begin/end", "go to word previous/next".
and lot of fixes.
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.169.0.
situation 'file was deleted outside': show additional non-modal confirmation to close the tab.
fixed the tree-helper for reStructuredText.
and fixes.
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.169.2 .. 1.170.0.
when file is deleted outside, show tab title in different color.
"underline_color_files" supports modern variants (CSS 4) of rgba() and hsla().
API changes:
- new event on_caret_slow, which will be used later for some plugins to make em faster.
- LSP Client can show tooltips for gutter-icons when option "lint_type" is set to "d".
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.171.
When editing too long lines (2000+ chars), editor turns lexer off for a few seconds. That is to prevent caret rendering glitches on such lines. Option is added for this: "max_line_len_for_editing_keeping_lexer".
Better calculate wrap positions for CJK text.
Option "renderer_anti_flicker" is now per-lexer (before it was global).
Addon Manager: add option "Verify HTTPS certificates".
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.172.0.
Option "auto_copy_clp", which now replaces plugin Auto Copy To Clipboard (plugin is now ignored); unlike the old plugin, option works in all editor-fields in the app (including Find/Replace/Console/etc).
Option "mouse_middle_click":2 (paste on middle click) works also for one-line inputs.
'Single instance' code works faster on Unix.
API supports HTML formatting in auto-completion listbox (it's now used in LSP).
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.172.5 ... 1.173.0.
For modified ui-tabs, render separate circle-mark (2 marks for file-pair) instead of '*' char in the title text.
API allows LSP plugin to render colored auto-completion listbox.
Option "gutter_icon_size".
Lexers fixed: reStructuredText, Markdown (had bug with backtick blocks).
and fixes.
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.174.0.
UI-tabs render colored circle also for externally modified/deleted files.
Windows: normalize case of filenames on opening (when non-usual casing of filename is passed).
If "ui_esc_close":true, and Esc is pressed to 'cancel selection', don't quit but perform the command.
File-flag "plugin_disabled" in plugin's folder - disables loading of plugin.
Supported Python 3.11.
Simplified app icon.
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.175.0.
Lot of bugfixes.
And minor changes:
change: don't activate ui-tab by right/middle click.
change: Find dialog: close the dialog after 'Select all'/'Mark all'.
change: Find dialog: now Up-arrow goes to next dropdown item (before Down-arrow did that).
change: changed rendering of "Unicode combined characters".
main Alexey
Posts: 2334
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

CudaText 1.176.0.
Windows: avoid annoying white line under themed menubar.
option to turn off 'line states': "gutter_line_states".
Project Manager: don't sort 'by extension': a) folders, b) non-Latin extensions.
change: option "unprinted_content" sub-option "x": a) must hide marks when there is no selection, b) must affect line-break marks too.
change: make jump in the "delete word" commands similar to Sublime/Firefox.
Posts: 1
Joined: 17.11.2022 02:29

Post by lexytaylormb »

I am new here, trying to download and install CudaText for a quick presentation on how to install it and just a few basic commands in Linux OS. I seem to be having issues finding the correct process for this. I am completely new with Linux. Any resources you could guide me to or a link to instructions would be wonderful?
I appreciate your patience!

Thank You,

I should have mentioned, I am not supposed to install this on my VCastle(VMWare) terminal, I just need the installation steps. The GUI is Ubuntu.
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