ATSynEdit - A LCL version of Scintilla?

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ATSynEdit - A LCL version of Scintilla?

Post by CentauriB »


I'm new to CudaText, I hope I can find this small-sized but fast editor earlier. I'm also new to Free Pascal, forgive me if my question is stupid.

I had read the CudaText Wiki and ATSynEdit code/docs, but I still have some questions which are not clear to me.

Looks like the ATSynEdit is an editor control like Scintilla, but implemented with the LCL controls?

ref: ... it.pas#L61

BTW, according to the LGPL and MPL 2.0. I think I can use LCL and ATSynEdit in a closed-source application as long as don't modify their source code but only call their APIs plus link it to the application?

Thanks in advance!

main Alexey
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Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

Looks like the ATSynEdit is an editor control like Scintilla, but implemented with the LCL controls?
Yes, but to say correctly: it _is_ the LCL control.
I think I can use LCL and ATSynEdit in a closed-source application as long as don't modify their source code but only call their APIs plus link it to the application?
I think yes you can.
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