Clear opened files

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Joined: 29.10.2022 00:35

Clear opened files

Post by yxz11 »

Hello there,

I have a huge iso file opened by accident in Cudatext. Cudatext was frozen, and I somehow exited Cudatext. I'm not sure how it's exit, as I was trying different things at that time. E.g. tried to close it by clicking the "X", try to kill it from task manager. Now, I cannot open Cudatext, looks like it may be trying to open the same huge iso file. Is there a way that I can make Cudatext not to open that file when I start it?


*edit* the system is Windows 11.
main Alexey
Posts: 2300
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Post by main Alexey »

method a. Find the file (cudatext)/settings/user.json and write the option:

Code: Select all

    "ui_reopen_session": false,
method b. Delete files (cudatext)/settings/history*
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