Intext Bookmarks

Plugins for SynWrite and CudaText...
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Intext Bookmarks

Post by Stefan »

Is there any chance to get "Portable Bookmarks"?
I am talking about auto-creating a Table of Contents that is built from comments that start with NOTE: or similar keywords.

It is a feature that only very few editors have.
It were great to have the TOC always visible in the side panel, but I'd be fine with a pop-up window, too, the way Synwrite handles it.
main Alexey
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Post by main Alexey »

plugin "Intext Bookmarks" does it. it has very short readme: ... ter/readme
it gives command to show all found intext-bookmarks in a menu-dlg.
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Post by Stefan »

Whoa. I am impressed. The dialog follows the theme colors, it has a Search field, and I can define my own identifiers. WOW.

You make it hard for me to stick with Synwrite. Which is still my preferred editor (side panels left and right, custom font sizes for all UI elements, vertical toolbars, ...).
But no themes. :cry:

Portable Bookmarks was the one feature, the most important, must-have, that kept me with Synwrite.
Guess the time has come to switch to CudaText. ;)

Thanks a ton!
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No intext Bookmarks for CSS

Post by Stefan »

In CSS files, Cud does not recognize my portable Bookmarks from Synwrite. They work fine in Syn. Cuda has no problem reading them from other file types (ahk, xys, md). But with CSS, nothing shows up. Nor can I insert new intext BM into CSS.

I assume it has to do with line comments?
Or maybe a wrong setting under plugin: Comments: config... ?
Or maybe Syn uses a different CSS lexer than Cud? My Synwrite version is 6.18.2135, the one where lexers are not separate, but packed into one large .lxl file.

What can I do? All ideas are welcome.
main Alexey
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Post by main Alexey »

Seems you use the "Intext Bookmarks" plugin.
maybe it don't support _steam_ comments in CSS. I will see what I can do.
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Post by Stefan »

main Alexey wrote:Seems you use the "Intext Bookmarks" plugin.
Yes, exactly.

You are right, toggling a stream comment does work with CSS. Whereas toggling a line comment does not. This might be the main difference between Syn's portable bookmarks and Cud's intext bookmarks.

Thanks for checking into it.
main Alexey
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Post by main Alexey »

Updated the plugin,only in my Git! ... _bookmarks
use "Install from Git" in addons-manager.

0.8.6 (2023-03-02)
added: support stream comments too, e.g. in lexer CSS (by Alexey T.)

Is it OK in CSS now?
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Post by Stefan »

Hurrah, you did it.
It recognizes all my Synwrite bookmarks. And I can enter new ones with the dialog. As an additional benefit, toggling a stream comment now also works in CSS files.

This means, I will kiss Synwrite goodbye. Feeling a bit sad and sorry, it has served me well over so many years.

But Cuda is better. For general writing as well. You could probably turn it into a full-blown writing-app by adding a few extras.

main Alexey
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Post by main Alexey »

I dont have the purpose to make 'the writing app'-- writers (like you) need focusing on the text and less UI elements. and less panels. and no lexers. i cannot reach it.
Posts: 112
Joined: 06.10.2012 15:06

Post by Stefan »

Without knowing it, you have already created an editor that is superior to many writing apps. Seriously.

Unfortunately, writers do not know it, either. They put up with slow, overpriced, bloated software. Buggy as hell. You would not believe it. And unlike you, those developers don't care. They might fix a bug here and there, months later, or not at all. No joy. Over the years, I have become disillusioned with all those apps.

Keep up the good work, Alexey. I really appreciate it.
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