Synwrite lexer properties parser tab regular expression confined to a single line

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Synwrite lexer properties parser tab regular expression confined to a single line

Post by cydonia »

In Synwrite v6.41.2780 Options->Customize Lexers library... and selecting a lexer and customize button, in the "Lexer Properties" Parser tab the "Regular expression" text box appears to be multiline although regex entries are confined to a single line. Is synwrite still being maintained and if not is there an alternative cudatext lexer editor available?
main Alexey
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Re: Synwrite lexer properties parser tab regular expression confined to a single line

Post by main Alexey »

synwrite is maintained - but no updates in recent months since it works OK.
multiline field is OK, no need to worry here.
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Re: Synwrite lexer properties parser tab regular expression confined to a single line

Post by cydonia »

I have provided a screen shot attachment of Synwrite v6.41.2780 lexer properties parser tab that shows that a sample long regex does not wordwrap but is confined to a single line requiring the user to scroll using the horizontal scrollbar to only see portions of the regex
Synwrite lexer properties parser tab.png
main Alexey
Posts: 2335
Joined: 25.08.2021 18:15

Re: Synwrite lexer properties parser tab regular expression confined to a single line

Post by main Alexey »

it was designed so by EControl author (SynWrite uses portions of that code). i won't change it.
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