MicroMap bug?

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MicroMap bug?

Post by sl23 »

I'm having an issue with the MicroMap today. It seems to be not working properly at first with highlighting the current word, now it doesn't show at all, except in the current view. This file is a little over 3000 lines (170KB) is that why? Smaller files seem ok.
MicroMap Bug.gif
Notice how the currently selected item is highlighted in the main editor, but it doesn't show up in the MicroMap until it appears in view of the editor.
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main Alexey
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by main Alexey »

notice that current-word highlight is working differently for big files.
1.211.4 (2024/03)
+ add/change: when find-dialog "Hi" option is on, and document is 'big' (option "find_hi_max_lines" has effect, or horizontal scrollbar is wider than 400 chars), show Hi_All marks only for the visible screen area and update marks on scrolling; it should not slow down editor significantly.
what you can do here is change the option "find_hi_max_files".
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by sl23 »

Ah ok, thanks for the info.
Just curious, why do you have the option to specify a limit? Is it a performance issue with large files?
It works ok for smaller files, even when full screen.
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by sl23 »

I searched for "find max" and was shown only two items in the settings window:
find_hi_max_line_len - set at 800000
find_hi_max_lines - set at 4000

These settings are way over anything in this file. Could there be an issue with it?
Or is there another setting I'm missing?
The setting you mention does not appear, even when I copy/paste the full name in.
Using latest version of CT.
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main Alexey
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by main Alexey »

I meaned the option "find_hi_max_lines", not "..files" of course.

your file has 3000 lines so that option must not activate yet.
maybe one of other 1-2 options are activated? they also make the highlight only on scrolling.

1) check that horizontal scrollbar max column is <=400.
for all lines in the file.
if it's >400 (for some line) than HL works only on scrolling.

1b) you can send me that file - support(at)uvviewsoft.com

2) I will add the option for that '400' max column count, so you can adjust it from the next update.
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by sl23 »

Ok, but I can't find a setting containing Horizontal or Scrollbar relating to your description. Just to be sure, it has to be less than 400?
You want my Rainmeter.ini file? Ok, it's below :)
Once you've downloaded it, I'll delete it.
Last edited by sl23 on 01.10.2024 15:07, edited 2 times in total.
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main Alexey
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by main Alexey »

i got the file. it has lines of length 450 and 730, it is bigger than 400 so highlight for words is only for the current visible area!
like I supposed.
you cannod adjust this 400 value YET. from the next version, you will be able to change it.
I added the option.
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by sl23 »

Ah I see, thank you.
Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.
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Re: MicroMap bug?

Post by sl23 »

Sorry just seen this. Thanks for the update. :)
Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.
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