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Posted: 18.11.2015 07:41
by Alexey
It may be verticalspacing. Call Options/ settings-user, then post file here as text.
Posted: 18.11.2015 15:45
by sl23
Ok here you go...
"font_name" : "Corbel",
"font_size" : 10,
"ui_font_name" : "",
"ui_font_size" : 10
Posted: 18.11.2015 15:51
by Alexey
What if u change "font_name" to "Courier new"?
Posted: 18.11.2015 16:22
by sl23
That works fine. I use Corbel in SynWrite and it displays fine.
Posted: 19.11.2015 10:25
by Alexey
Can u send Corbel (not attach. some site)
Posted: 19.11.2015 13:49
by sl23
It's built into windows from vista upwards I believe. I'll email it to you just in case.
Posted: 19.11.2015 18:30
by Alexey
I see Corbel not monospaced
size of /M/ is big, size of /0/ is not
Posted: 19.11.2015 21:53
by sl23
Ok, can you fix the problem? As I said SynWrite doesn't suffer this problem, perhaps a bug in CudaText?
Posted: 20.11.2015 05:04
by Alexey
No, cannot fix, it's problem with font- CT can use only monospaced
Posted: 16.01.2016 16:27
by cengizhan
cudatext seems to be opened faster.
scrolling is very slow with large files.
after some time syntax hilightning gets broken. everything becomes randomly colored.
there is not an explorer sidebar
i wish there is an "open folder" option like in atom, sublime and visual studio code
i prefer cuddatext over synwrite if these bugs are fixed