Thanks for that, much appreciated Do you have a site where you upload "nightlies" or betas? I don't have Lazarus and so can't compile from source.Alexey wrote:just fixed that lexer-specific configs were not able to apply several editor opts (wrap mode, font scale, show ruler/minimap/micromap....).
So quite a few of my seven points are now either dealt with or at least github issues awaiting good news. That's pretty amazing.
From the points that are still open, #7 (user-defined config) and the -ns problem would be my top wishes. The trouble is that I use a text editor for all sorts of things, either editing very similar files in sessions (and then it's often Programming but equally often free text) or quick-and-dirty stuff with all sorts of file extensions (so making a simple lexer-based configuration hard if not possible) and different options (ie plugins, window sizes, keyboard settings etc.)
EDIT: Upon reflection perhaps a better idea than having a -u option to give just a user-defined user.json a switch -s (or similar) to define a completely different settings directory would be even better. I used to do this for AkelPad (I heavily patched this editor and would do the same with CudaText but sadly the days when I did Pascal are many, MANY years gone ).
Anyway, great stuff and thanks again.