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Posted: 24.01.2021 13:26
by uvviewsoft
Paolo_R wrote:Well I have made changes exactly as your screen shot showed but the margin lines do not show up when I open a .CBL file.
need to check 2 things--

a- file 'settings/lexer Cobol.json' has the 'margin_string' option
b- this Cobol lexer is activated for your file (see statusbar)

Posted: 24.01.2021 20:34
by Paolo_R
Yes, it's there in lexer Cobol.json:

Code: Select all

    "margin_string": "8 12 16 72",
I only need the guide lines as shown above. Restarting the editor made no difference.

Posted: 24.01.2021 23:36
by uvviewsoft
I just checked it: for Lua lexer, opened 'Options / settings - lexer-specific', entered this text there,

Code: Select all

    "margin_string": "8 12 16 72",
and restarted editor. Lua files show these vert-lines.
Try to call 'Plugins / Options Editor', focus this option 'margin_string', and show screenshot of Option Editor?

Posted: 25.01.2021 00:25
by Paolo_R
See attached screen shot.

Posted: 25.01.2021 06:33
by Shovel
Fascinating :D
You can try changing the color of the lines at "Options > Settings - theme - ui... > editor, margins, user defined"
And... sorry, but could you post a screenshot of the editor with COBOL file opened?

Posted: 25.01.2021 08:33
by Paolo_R
Changed the colour to white - still did not show.

Posted: 25.01.2021 10:52
by uvviewsoft
they do show! screenshot shows them, look at bottom at lines 40..41. just set them another color (@Shovel wrote).

Posted: 25.01.2021 13:03
by Shovel
Seems like 1 pixel lines don't work well on the 4K screen :D
@uvviewsoft, is there an option to make them thicker?

Posted: 25.01.2021 15:14
by uvviewsoft
Not yet; I need the Github issue for that, pls.

Posted: 25.01.2021 16:10
by Shovel