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Posted: 24.08.2022 07:28
by lookoutside
For pic_path, is it possible for user to set `` {projdir} /image`` for the picture file? Suppose ``image`` is a folder under current project.
Posted: 24.08.2022 07:31
by lookoutside
main Alexey wrote:improved plugin 'Markdown Special Paste'.
added support for lexers MediaWiki and AsciiDoc.
Perhaps latex users need this plugin, too.
Posted: 24.08.2022 07:45
by main Alexey
updated. yes, now option 'pic_path' supports nested dirs: e.g.
latex users need this plugin
what are format-strings for Latex? I don't know it. in the see variables:
Posted: 24.08.2022 10:50
by main Alexey