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Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 14.01.2024 16:59
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.208.0.

add: update TRegExpr engine to 1.186.
change: reworked code for fold-blocks storage; report any regressions.
change: now deepness of 'block staples' is limited by ~20 levels, deeper staples are not rendered / folding is not shown.
change: replaced option "find_multiline_scale" (float number) with "find_multiline_height" (int value in percents).
and fixes - see details in history.txt.

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 17.01.2024 09:13
by main Alexey

change: before, caret movement updated the statusbar after rather big pause ~2000ms; now the pause is smaller, ~500ms (option "py_caret_slow").
fix: important: on fast editing of big code, gutter folding lines were not auto-adjusted _fast_, and also _folded_ blocks below the caret can be unfolded.
and some minor changes/fixes - see history.txt.

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 24.01.2024 18:47
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.209.0.

add: optimization for plugins ExTerminal / Terminal Plus: adding a line to document end now works faster.
add: progressbar-form is shown additionally when loading big text from session (> 10Mb; < option "ui_session_max_text").
add: Project Manager saves to project 'unfolded tree-nodes' list.
add: improved API for file saving, it allows to make command "Save a copy as..." which exists in Notepad++; seems this new command will be added to CudaExt plugin.
and some minor changes/fixes - see history.txt.

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 01.03.2024 06:07
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.210.0.

add: use new version of fcl-json lib to faster load big 40Mb-size session files with big changed file text.
add: can disable Ctrl+Enter hotkey in the Find-dialog via new option "find_ctrl_enter".
add: can disable 'Highlight all' feature of Find-dialog for huge lines via new option "find_hi_max_line_len".
and fixes (see history.txt).

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 09.03.2024 08:09
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.210.5.

add: allow plugin HTML_Tooltips to show preview for WEBP pictures too.
and fixes, listed in the history.txt.

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 16.03.2024 06:26
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.211.0.

add: text search without RegEx has big speedup on huge lines; e.g. for line len=400K, with 25K matches, 'Count all'/'Select all'/'Mark all' are improved from ~30 sec to ~0.5 sec.
add: text replacement (with and without RegEx) has big speedup on huge lines; e.g. for line len=400K, with 25K matches, 'Replace all' is improved from ~110 sec to ~0.5 sec.

add: when option "find_hi_max_lines" limit is over, still highlight occurrences, but only in the visible editor area; button "Hi" in the Find dialog is not disabled anymore.
add: lexer 'Search results' better supports code-tree.
add: after inserting line-break by Enter line became space-only? then make it empty. like Sublime.
add: detection of JS scripts by 'shebang', like '#!/usr/bin/node'.

change: Find dialog: on typing in input field with 'big' document (count of lines > 2000), Highlight_All action is started not immediately, but by timer.
---* count of lines is controlled by new option "find_hi_timer_lines":2000.
---* timer interval is controlled by new option "find_hi_timer_interval":500.
change: changed default of option "find_hi_max_line_len" from 4k to 800k, because 'find all' is much faster now.
change: deleted option "picture_types".

fix: Windows: forgot to add DLL files libwebp32.dll / libwebp64.dll.

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 03.04.2024 08:55
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.212.0

add: C-like languages: Enter press on line-end can make unindent considering above code, if "indent_auto" is on.
add: C-like languages: Tab press on empty line can make indent considering above code, if "indent_auto" is on.
add: improved auto-completion: in several cases, user actions must auto-close the listbox.
add: on saving "user.json", avoid extra space before ":", it was like '"key" : "value"'.
add: painting of 'block staples': always paint the 'bottom edge' for lexers with indent-based folding, even if option "staples_props" tells to hide bottom edge.
change: changed default of option "staples_props" to "0,40,0,0", to look like Sublime and VSCode.

CudaText 1.211.4

add: scrollbar (application-themed scrollbar) width can be adjusted with new option "scrollbar_size".
add/change: when find-dialog "Hi" option is on, and document is 'big' (option "find_hi_max_lines" has effect, or horizontal scrollbar is wider than 400 chars), show Hi_All marks only for the visible screen area and update marks on scrolling; it should not slow down editor significantly.
add: find-dialog "Hi" option: finding in the visible screen area is now much faster for huge lines (handles only visible portion of the line).

and fixes (see file history.txt).

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 18.04.2024 04:38
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.212.1.

add: command 'duplicate line(s)' moves caret down, like in Sublime and VSCode.
add: micromap column widths are now always auto-sized to the current micromap width, which is often different with "micromap_on_scrollbar":true.

CudaText 1.213.0.

add: new command "File / Rename...".
add: Find-dialog has new option 'Im': immediate search, ie find-as-you-type; old option 'Hi' is not connected with find-as-you-type anymore.
add: Project Manager improvements: added hotkeys Ctrl+C / Ctrl+X / Ctrl+V / Del / etc (all visible in the context menu); added context menu commands "Backup", "Copy path", "Properties..."; added toolbar button "Recent projects".

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 26.04.2024 04:31
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.214.0.

add: on Windows, app can save files to write-protected folders too, using elevated running of 'xcopy'.
add: option "pylib" supports several paths ";"-separated.
add: option "pylib" supports new special value "?" to totally disable Python.
change: command-line suffix for initial line/column number is changed from ':' to '@', to avoid confusion with NTFS stream names on Windows.

and fixes (listed in file history.txt).
fixed some slowdowns of mass-replace.

Re: CudaText last release

Posted: 04.05.2024 10:14
by main Alexey
CudaText 1.214.2.

change: 3 themes-related "Options" menu items were moved into submenu "Options / Themes".
add: command "File / Rename" disallows filename already opened in another ui-tab.
and fixes (listed in file history.txt).