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Posted: 24.04.2021 11:35
by uvviewsoft
that was hard to fix; but fixed - please test. now "id" after "Id and spaces" is _not_ a function name.

Posted: 27.04.2021 07:37
by king.midas
Unfortunately alsou in tree does not exist normal functions after Hotkeys

Code: Select all

F11:: ExitApp

func1(s) {

func3(s) {
func2() {

Posted: 27.04.2021 09:02
by uvviewsoft
thanks, fixed now. lexer is updated.
now AHK 'func name' must be on line start. not after 'id with spaces'.
feel free to post any other lexers issues.

Posted: 27.04.2021 11:43
by king.midas
Now in "tree" functions shows right.

Thank you for great editor!

PS: Primary I am using Markdown and Autohotkey lexers - I try to report bugs / oddities)

Posted: 04.11.2021 20:07
by main Alexey
Lexer C# updates:
- fixed styles of some keywords ('ref', 'implicit', 'explicit'), added 'record'
- added code-tree item for 'record' and 'interface' blocks
- fixed highlight for string @$"...." (I am not sure I did OK, pls test)
- fixed symbol rule for ?? and ??=
- don't highlight wrong #preprocessorwords

Posted: 09.11.2021 11:19
by main Alexey
Updated C#:
highlight parts like '<Type1, Type2>` as single tokens, which allows to better show functions in code-tree. Before it could only show broken tree items for functions like
void T<T1,T2> { }.