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Posted: 03.08.2017 22:43
by qwerky
qwerky wrote:
Alexey wrote:
Icons in statusbar: I don't want them: on black UI theme icons will disappear (and text "||" not)
Good point. It's okay as is.
For the new "Wrap" option in, you have provided a status bar panel option to configure what text is shown in the "Wrap" panel of the status bar--that is great! :D

Perhaps there could be a similar option to configure what text is shown in the "Selection" panel of the status bar? But this is very low priority :lol: !

Posted: 03.08.2017 22:43
by qwerky
Alexey wrote:Added option ui_tab_new_near_current, since 1.14.1
This is working great :D . Thank you! And for those who like the previous way, can just leave this option off ;) .

Posted: 04.08.2017 06:49
by Alexey
Commands are named:
go to screen top
go to screen bottom
(not "scroll")

Posted: 04.08.2017 07:02
by Alexey
OK, behavior of these cmds fixed: now they keep caret's x.

Posted: 07.08.2017 00:35
by qwerky
Alexey wrote:OK, behavior of these cmds fixed: now they keep caret's x.
That's great. So we now have:
Goto Screen Top
Goto Screen Bottom
These keep cursor/caret at same horizontal position (column). That's what most other editors (that I am familiar with) do, and it seems to be the best way.

The old way:
Goto Screen Top/Left
Goto Screen Bottom/Left
are also nice commands. They could also be added, if anyone else wants them, but I won't mind if they are not.

Posted: 07.08.2017 00:40
by qwerky
Alexey wrote:Commands are named:
go to screen top
go to screen bottom
(not "scroll")
The commands I was referring to:
Scroll to Screen Top
Scroll to Screen Bottom
would scroll the current line (the line the cursor is currently on), to the top/bottom of screen. These would match the "Scroll current line to screen center" command that is in the CudaExt plugin. Not sure; maybe these were waiting for Andrey (after his vacation)?

Posted: 07.08.2017 14:57
by Alexey
These two are already in wishes
Andrey is busy yet.

Posted: 07.08.2017 15:01
by Alexey
BTW, if you use Reddit, good to recomment Cud to ppl.

Posted: 11.08.2017 20:12
by Alexey
Fixed in CudaExt
Pls "install from Github", repo
and test 2 cmds.

Posted: 11.08.2017 20:13
by Alexey