"Not a parent" confusion

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"Not a parent" confusion

Post by runsun »

Hi, after extensive reading, I am getting to understand most of the settings in lexer configuration, but still can't get a hold of what "Not a parent" means. I've collected several explanations from all the possible sources I can find:

*** Not a parent - flag that specifies that "parent block" is not a parent of the rule.
*** Not parent - specifies that the blocks do not yavlyaetya parent rule. those. it can a parent but not the rule

But, the purpose of "parent block" is to set the parent block of this rule. How can the parent block that is set to be a parent of this rule be, at the same time, "not a parent of the rule" ?

Can someone offer actual example usage ?
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Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

What do options mean: "Parent block", "Strict parent", "Not a parent"?

Example. Current rule is A, it's "parent block" set to P.

1) If "Parent block" cleared, no checking of parents done.
2) If "Not a parent" set, then parent of A can be any rule *except* rule P.
3) If "Strict parent" set, then parent of A must be P, and P must be *nearest* parent, not parent of parent (of parent...) of A.
4) Not sure what means "strict parent" and "not a parent" both set.
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

I welcome done lexer as Zip file (make it by ExLexer plugin!!)
Posts: 15
Joined: 16.12.2015 01:43

Post by runsun »

Alexey wrote:4) Not sure what means "strict parent" and "not a parent" both set.
Usually, mutually conflicting options always use radio box, but not check box. Using check box (that allows users to check both) means checking both has some meaning.