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Reply: user's questions about Cud

Posted: 18.01.2017 22:02
by Alexey
> no Deviant Dark theme; don't really like the existing CT themes, though there are a couple of dark themes that I could live with.
Themes are external files;
no Deviant theme so you can paint it (dialogs: Settings-theme-ui/syntax)
It is not minus of Cuda

> tried setting custom colors in the lexer, for .C files; my colors are all there in the Lexer Properties dialog, but they are not used by my actual main.c file. There is no Apply button on the Lexer Properties dialog.
They used only if themes are off. if themes are on (default)- syntax-theme is used.

> How to use numbered bookmarks?? SW uses semi-standard "Ctrl-Shift-N for Set, Ctrl-N for Goto", don't know what, if any, CT uses; can't find keyboard commands at all
Needed plugin "Numbered bookmarks" in addonManager.
Then use items in Plugins menu.
Then set hotkeys (F1, select item for this plugin, press F9)

> keystroke macros ?? SW is very intuitive in use, CT doesn't appear to have it at all, maybe it's hidden in a JSON file somewhere?
Need plugin "Macros" in addonManager.
Items in Plugins menu then.

> hotkeys - clicked on the menu item, got a dialog that says "To customize hotkeys, call Commands dialog, focus any command, and press F9, you'll see additional dialog". However... I don't see any option for a Commands dialog at all.
menu item Help/Commands, or F1 key.