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theme: Dracula dark

Posted: 29.07.2017 04:23
by jack
Hello all CudaText users.

I just prepared a Dracula theme for CudaText (UI + Syntax), based on Dracula Theme for Visual Studio Code and Atom.
Download: ...
More information:

Posted: 29.07.2017 13:54
by Alexey
Good work. Tks. Will put to AddonManager today. Note: 1.14 has new Syntax-theme item. TagInclude for "<?php". Pls add it using BETA

Posted: 30.07.2017 03:48
by jack
I did some minor modifications.

I added a new TagInclude syntax element and set its color to Green from the Dracula Theme color palette.
Changed colors: IncludeBG1 - 4, SectionBG1 -4 (slightly less contrast).

Changed color for ButtonBgChecked item to #282233. Now it is more distinguishable from the background color of the sidebar.

Posted: 31.07.2017 00:12
by Alexey
Tab's caption modified: blue on dark gray.
Gutter +minimap: green colors too bright.

Posted: 31.07.2017 11:25
by jack
Color EdStateChanged changed from #03C0E9 to #0297B7
Color EdStateAdded changed from #05C936 to #04A22C
Color EdStateSaved changed from #77348D to #5E6280
Color TabFontMod changed from #0000A0 to #41DBFC

Posted: 15.08.2017 17:41
by Alexey
Jack, maybe good to have Turbo Pascal like theme? see screenshots in google or this

Do you have plan for other theme?

Posted: 22.11.2017 11:25
by jack
I added the new theme elements:

TabActiveMark - #AE267E
TabMarks - #E06060

Posted: 25.10.2018 07:19
by Alexey
Hi Jack
UI theme needs fix, CudaText now shows issues:
Warning for theme "Dracula.cuda-theme-ui": missed item "EdMinimapTooltipBg"
Warning for theme "Dracula.cuda-theme-ui": missed item "EdMinimapTooltipBorder"
Warning for theme "Dracula.cuda-theme-ui": missed item "TreeSelBg2"

(and theme "Solarized" too)
it is color of minimap tooltips; and color of code tree selected item w/o focus.

Posted: 28.04.2019 07:39
by jack
Theme updated.

New UI items: EdMinimapTooltipBg, EdMinimapTooltipBorder, EdBlockStapleActive, TreeSelBg2. Removed TreeLines.
Changed syntax items: Lex_TextBold, Lex_TextItalic, Lex_TextBoldItalic, Lex_TextCross.

Posted: 30.04.2019 06:43
by Alexey
Will update it in addons, thanks.