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plugin CSV Helper
Posted: 11.06.2018 07:49
by Alexey
For CSV files, it highlights different CSV columns in different colors.
It is inspired by Sublime Text plugin "Rainbow CSV".
Requires "CSV" pseudo lexer (empty) from Addon Manager, install this lexer first.
Also plugin handles hovering mouse over text: it shows index/caption of current CSV
column in the statubar (caption is read from the 1st line).
Plugin has several options in config file. Call config by menu "Options / Settings-plugins / CSV Hilite".
Code: Select all
CSV Helper plugin: change CSV delimiter?
Posted: 29.12.2023 10:15
by hexaae
How can I change CSV delimiter... instead of "," use ";" for example...?
Lexer Properites menu does nothing (no configuration available?).
Need to manually edit "cuda_csv_hilite.ini", no config panel?
Re: Change CSV delimiter?
Posted: 29.12.2023 10:20
by main Alexey
do you have plugin CSV Helper installed?
if so, you have lexer 'CSV ^' availalble.
activate it.
menu item "Options / Settings-plugins / CSV Helper".
config file opens, in it you have option "separator".
Re: Change CSV delimiter?
Posted: 29.12.2023 10:27
by hexaae
Ah, sorry forgot it was in the separate Plugin > CSV Helper menu... never mind. Thank you.
I was looking for it through Options > Lexer... > Properties
Re: Change CSV delimiter?
Posted: 29.12.2023 11:05
by main Alexey
'Lexer properties' lists only options avaiable in lexer. And this option is not in the lexer. It is in the CSV_Helper python code.
Re: plugin CSV Helper
Posted: 13.10.2024 00:23
by hexaae
...Two more questions:
1: how do I specify a <tab> character in the delimiter (separator=) of CSV Helper?
2: is it normal if I edit and save the new "separator=" it will be reverted to previous, unless I save AND quit Cudatext, and then relaunch it?
Re: plugin CSV Helper
Posted: 13.10.2024 03:06
by main Alexey
1. Using "Plugins / CSV Helper / Set separator ......." menuitem.
But if file has TSV extension, tab-char will be used auto.
2. Why do change 'separator' in config file? why not to call menu item from (1)? menu item is better.
Re: plugin CSV Helper
Posted: 13.10.2024 11:57
by hexaae
Mmh, ok I'll use Plugins > CSV Helper > Set separator for current document...
Is there a way to specify a hex number, since some unusual separator chars may not be entered with keyboard input, just like TAB?
Re: plugin CSV Helper
Posted: 13.10.2024 12:55
by main Alexey
it may be added, if it's really needed. but TAB-char is supported - enter "\t" in dialog. I will improve prompt-string to show "\t" variant.
Re: plugin CSV Helper
Posted: 14.10.2024 16:34
by hexaae
Thank you.