Total number of selected chars

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Posts: 71
Joined: 25.02.2019 20:47

Total number of selected chars

Post by hexaae »

SynWrite in the bottom bar switches f.e. from (1x14/3000) to (2/3000) when I drag mouse and select more chars on the second line of text…
How can I make it show me the total number of selected chars too? E.g. (2x3x23/3000) (= 2nd line of selection, 3rd column of selection, 23 chars selected in total / 3000 total lines).
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Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

AFAIR, this is not configurable; it is in the CudaText, via options in user.json
States: no-selection, small-selection (one line), stream-selection (several lines),
column-selection, multi-carets.
{y}: line of top caret
{y2}: line of bottom caret
{yb}: line of 1st selection begin
{ye}: line of 1st selection end
{x}: column of top caret, tab-chars counted as 1
{xx}: column of top caret, tab-chars expanded
{count}: number of lines
{carets}: number of carets
{sel}: number of lines affected by selection(s)
{cols}: number of columns in column-selection
{char}: character at first caret (empty if no char)
{char_dec}: character at first caret - decimal code (empty if no char)
{char_hex}: character at first caret - 2..4-digit hex code (empty if no char)
{char_hex4}: character at first caret - 4-digit hex code (empty if no char)
{_ln}: localized string "Ln"
{_col}: localized string "Col"
{_sel}: localized string "sel"
{_linesel}: localized string "lines sel"
{_carets}: localized string "carets
Posts: 71
Joined: 25.02.2019 20:47

Post by hexaae »

Argh… SynWrite is THE BEST free editor I've ever seen (and I've tested for a long timpe Notepad++, Notepad2, 3, PSPad etc...) but it's the only one not showing me the total amount of currently selected chars (multiline) and, this is a big problem for me :-(
Could you kindly add this feature? Maybe using format "[number]" to avoid confusion with lines x columns…
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

SynW is frozen, but for big donation $80 I will add such option/macro.
Posts: 67
Joined: 26.08.2013 06:16

Post by miro.matas »

my personal suggestion to you my friend - switch to CudaText
if you think that SynWrite is the best… you will fall in love at CudaText
I have the same opinion and skills like you, many years skilled user at PSPad, UE, Sublime… than SynWrite was like "deus ex machina"
but is not possible to stop a progress… and even not so happy - I start the migration to CudaText… it takes some time, of course
but now! absolutely best of best, really pure gold
sure, always is possible to do something better, but I cannot imagine that is possible to have something better at my hand
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