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Replace in all tabs

Posted: 05.07.2019 05:43
by hamasaki
This is an option in SynWrite. Can it be enabled in CudaText?

Posted: 05.07.2019 07:16
by Alexey
Currently Cud doesn't allow this. So you need plugin FindInFiles for this. In plugin help you can see this

• Set special value "<Open Files>" (in short <t> or <Tabs>) for field "In folder" to search in opened documents.
Fields "In files" and "Not in files" will be to filter tab titles.
To search in all tabs, use mask "*" in field "In files".
See: commands in menu/Scope.

• Set special value "<Project Folders>" (in short <p>) for field "In folder" to search in project files.
See: commands in menu/Scope.

Posted: 05.07.2019 12:52
by hamasaki
Excellent, thanks Alex, that works perfectly. :)

Posted: 05.02.2020 14:06
by Alexey
Since last updates, Cud has button [replace global], does it work OK, pls test?

1.91.0 (2019/12)
+ add: Windows: shell extension DLL (x32, x64), it was written by Andreas Heim (@dinkumoil). Run Cmd script from Explorer to install/uninstall the DLL.
+ add: Find/Replace dialog has new button "Replace global", to replace all matches in all opened documents