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CudaText screenshots, e.g. on rare OS'es
Posted: 04.10.2019 20:51
by Alexey
V1.88.1 has build for Linux-musl (Alpine Linux, Void Linux). Build is called "linux_musl" because these OS are based on musl-libc.
Tested on Void Linux last release live CD.
Void Linux needs .tar package, so it is published too.
Posted: 26.12.2019 14:36
by Alexey
V1.92.0 has been complied for DragonFlyBSD 5.6, it works there good.
It handles Python 3.6 there.
Posted: 27.12.2019 20:56
by Alexey
V1.92 running on Oracle Solaris 11.4 x64
Posted: 27.12.2019 21:14
by Alexey
CudaText for Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian), screenshot from 1-2 years ago.
Posted: 20.03.2020 17:37
by Alexey
CudaText is packaged in SparkyLinux:
Posted: 20.03.2020 18:46
by Alexey
Posted: 26.03.2020 20:09
by Alexey
CudaText 1.97.5 on OpenBSD 6.6 x64 (will be released soon)
Posted: 28.06.2020 20:49
by Alexey
Haiku beta2 - CudaText compiles for it, editor control works, but Cud has 2-3 major problems on it, so I don't release Haiku version, need to fix these. screenshot of 1.105
Posted: 10.06.2021 15:48
by uvviewsoft
CudaText 1.133.x for Haiku x64, package is available at
screenshots from the author of the package:
Posted: 07.08.2021 18:58
by uvviewsoft
CudaText 1.140.x on Raspberry Pi 4, OS: Manjaro Linux ARM64.
Screenshots here: