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[Share My Idea] Plugin to insert leading number Alt+C

Posted: 19.11.2019 06:23
by hycmos
function: column mode to insert increasing leading number at everyline (Same as Notepad++)

1) you can find menu Plugins--> Make Plugin
2) Click it
3 )Plugname=MyaltC,module name=MyaltC,items=MyaltC>run
4) OK
5) At line 27, find "def run(self)"
6) replace all of def run(self) with:

Code: Select all

    def run(self):
        cnt = ed.get_carets()
        altCnum=dlg_input_ex(4, 'Number be inserted',
              'start'   , text1="0", label2="Step by", text2="1",
              label3="Leading Char", text3="",label4="Following Char", text4="")
        if altCnum==None:return()
        for a_cnt in cnt:
            if a_cnt[0]>a_cnt[2]:
            ed.insert(a_caret, a_cnt[1], altCtxt)
7) Now restart CudaText. you can find new menu in "Plugins-->MyaltC", even you can assign a hotkey 'alt+C' to this.
8) get the Alt-C function same as many editor :D :D
Thank too the Cudatext's power python API,
this function is more powerfull than NP++'s Alt+C. This can add following char.

Posted: 19.11.2019 09:11
by miro.matas
sorry… not tested your code
but, there is plugin Insert Numbers
not the same?

Posted: 19.11.2019 09:38
by Alexey
Plugin InsertNumbers has good quality, but the snippet above a) don't check if selection made, b) works bad if n carets on the same line (you must iterate carets from last to first). But i like the approach!

Posted: 19.11.2019 15:34
by hycmos
sorry, I did not know the plugin "insert number" before. Can not find it in nor
Could you show me the link to this plugin?

In my code, I try to implement the same column selection function as Notepad++.
1) alt+(left mouse) to select multiline texts;
2) keyboard (alt+C) to show a dialog to set "start number/step"(for example,start number=0/step=1);
3) then at every first column of the selected box, 0/1/2/3...will be inserted to every line.
BTW, I added the leading char and the following char to this inserted number, which is not implemented in NP++(this shows the Cuda's powerful potential.)

this plugin is special for this same function as NP++'s.

Posted: 19.11.2019 20:05
by Alexey
Plugin was medged into plugin "Number Utils" long ago.
You can make patches-

Posted: 20.11.2019 09:16
by hycmos
I tested the plugin "Number Utils" .
It is very good.
I would not write this post if I find this plugin. :D
I use it Now.
