Some missing things. There are symbols that are already detected but maybe in wrong style.
Code: Select all
# string prefix r/R
r'str txt' u'str txt' b'str txt'
# the imaginary number suffix
0j 4.3J
# Python 2.x long integer suffix
34664L 1111l
# builtins
# functions
__import__ abs all any ascii bin callable chr
compile delattr dir divmod eval
exec format getattr globals hasattr
hash hex id input isinstance
issubclass iter len locals max min next oct
ord pow print repr round setattr sorted sum vars open
# class/type related (maybe in different style as functions ?)
bool memoryview bytearray bytes classmethod
complex dict enumerate filter float
frozenset property int list map object range
reversed set slice staticmethod str super tuple type zip
# exceptions related (maybe in different style ?)
BaseException Exception TypeError StopAsyncIteration StopIteration GeneratorExit SystemExit
KeyboardInterrupt ImportError ModuleNotFoundError OSError OSError OSError OSError EOFError RuntimeError
RecursionError NotImplementedError NameError UnboundLocalError AttributeError SyntaxError
IndentationError TabError LookupError IndexError KeyError ValueError UnicodeError UnicodeEncodeError
UnicodeDecodeError UnicodeTranslateError AssertionError ArithmeticError FloatingPointError OverflowError
ZeroDivisionError SystemError ReferenceError BufferError MemoryError Warning UserWarning
DeprecationWarning PendingDeprecationWarning SyntaxWarning RuntimeWarning FutureWarning ImportWarning
UnicodeWarning BytesWarning ResourceWarning ConnectionError BlockingIOError BrokenPipeError
ChildProcessError ConnectionAbortedError ConnectionRefusedError ConnectionResetError FileExistsError
FileNotFoundError IsADirectoryError NotADirectoryError InterruptedError PermissionError
ProcessLookupError TimeoutError
# miscellaneous
False True None Ellipsis NotImplemented help