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Highlight all instances of the selected word

Posted: 13.04.2020 17:04
by happylemur
Hi, thanks so much for developing CudaText. I've been trying to replace Notepad++ with CudaText as it feels snappier to use. Everything that I needed to modify, so the transition feels smooth and the quality of life features already in Notepad++, I got to do it except one thing. If I double click a word in Notepad++ all the occurrences of that word in the current opened text are highlighted and I find that very useful.
But even when I've been looking throught the default.json for some days I can't seem to find the option that enables that in CudaText or maybe it's missing. Could someone point me in the right direction? Maybe I can help to get it done.

Posted: 13.04.2020 20:20
by miro.matas
please install plugin Highlight Occurrences
… and welcome on the board!

Posted: 14.04.2020 11:07
by happylemur
Ah, of course, a plugin. Thanks so much.
Looks like I don't need to double click (select) the whole word and it works just by putting the caret inside a word.


Posted: 15.04.2020 01:27
by hycmos
plugin Highlight Occurrences has many options.
You can customize it.

Posted: 15.04.2020 10:35
by happylemur
You are right. Thanks!