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how to change the search box font color

Posted: 05.08.2020 02:07
by hycmos
The font color in search box is black.
After I set the BG color to Black, I must change search box font color.
But I can not find where to change it. (no option in options-settings-theme-ui...)
It seems that version change this color?

Posted: 05.08.2020 05:50
by Alexey
I dont understand. if you changed "editor, BG" to black, and changed "editor, font" to yellow, it must be yellow on black.
2 first items in UI theme.

Posted: 05.08.2020 15:07
by hycmos
yes, it is very strange.
to find what wrong with this phenomenon I download the latest version
unzip to a clean folder and get a clean cudatext. and replace every file one by one with my personal settings.

finally, I find one file: \cudatext\settings\history.json
I confirm this file will trigger this strange behavior.
below are all text in history.json:
"dialog" : {
"max" : true,
"posx" : 0,
"posy" : -8,
"sizex" : 1920,
"sizey" : 1017,
"fl_btm" : {
"posx" : 50,
"posy" : 480,
"sizex" : 850,
"sizey" : 220
"max_mon" : 0
"show_sidepanel" : true,
"show_bottom" : false,
"float_side" : false,
"float_bottom" : false,
"size_side" : 311,
"size_bottom" : 212,
"tab_left" : "Code tree",
"recent_files" : [
"list_console" : [
"finder" : {
"regex" : true,
"case" : false,
"words" : false,
"back" : false,
"confirm" : false,
"wrap" : false,
"insel" : false,
"tokens" : 0
"lang" : "",
"session" : "",
"last_cmd" : 6415,
"groups" : 1,
"gr" : {
"panel" : "2,936",
"pages" : "100,100,14,412,18,936,4,936,0,0,0,0,"
"dlg_lexer_lib" : {
"sizex" : 459,
"sizey" : 468
"list_find" : [
"list_replace" : [
"find" : {
"multi_line" : false,
"pos_x" : 200,
"pos_y" : 400,
"size_x" : 700
"dlg_lexer_prop" : {
"sizex" : 768,
"sizey" : 601
"dlg_charmap" : {
"sizex" : 516,
"sizey" : 523
"dlg_savetabs" : {
"sizex" : 720,
"sizey" : 350
"sync_choose_themes" : true


step by step:
1) set editor BG color=black, editor font color=White
2) exit cudatext
3) modify this history.json as the above text
4) restart cudatext, open search box, input some words in this box.
5) all the words will be balck but not white
here is the captured picture:
bg.png (8.63 KiB) Viewed 1481 times

Posted: 05.08.2020 15:41
by hycmos
After I deleted this history.json everything is OK.
So maybe we don't need to do anything. Just delete the history.json, and restart cudatext.

this history.json file can not be replaced when I update cudatext. Because the setup file has no setting folder.

Posted: 05.08.2020 15:47
by Alexey
I found the reason (yes I see it too). 'find what' field uses lexer Regex. so it uses SYNTAX-theme!! so font color is used from syntax-theme. change it to 'sub' for ex (white font color)

Posted: 06.08.2020 00:40
by hycmos
Alexey wrote:I found the reason (yes I see it too). 'find what' field uses lexer Regex. so it uses SYNTAX-theme!! so font color is used from syntax-theme. change it to 'sub' for ex (white font color)
It is very happy to find the reason!
but I dont know how to do for "change it to 'sub' for ex (white font color)" ? I should change what?

Posted: 06.08.2020 05:50
by Alexey
dialog "options / themes", change theme there to e.g. "sub".

Posted: 06.08.2020 08:30
by hycmos
I understand it now!
I modified the text color of "lexer Regex" to light.
It will also do the same thing.