CudaText: Weird scrollbars behaviour

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Joined: 31.12.2019 10:16

CudaText: Weird scrollbars behaviour

Post by Shovel »

In the main text editing area horizontal scrollbar shows before text exceeds available width (adding image demonstration). And it doesn't hide after the text is removed.
Also in the "Code Tree" panel scrollbars are always visible, even when it is empty.
I believe that wasting screen space is totally unacceptable :D
This happens in freshly extracted "cudatext-linux-gtk2-amd64-"
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

I saw the code, I have special const=4 there (4 additional chars for horz scrollbar width). it was made on purpose, to mimic Sublime, but not 100% mimic. I changed this const now: 4->2, 0 will be not handy.

Code tree bars: it's not bad if bars are not toggling, and always show.
Posts: 141
Joined: 31.12.2019 10:16

Post by Shovel »

Thank you for changing it.
Anything about horizontal scrollbar not hiding when it is not needed? Maybe at least scale back from max width.
Posts: 1633
Joined: 05.10.2012 22:10

Post by Alexey »

Not hiding when not needed- was made on purpose, because when it auto-hides I saw visual glitch on windows, when I moved caret down on the long text on line ends. UniversalViewer app also had this glitch.
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