Total download count (full list with descriptions)
Last 12 months (full list with descriptions)
Top 40 from the last 12 months:
- Snippets
- CudaFormatter
- CudaLint
- Highlight Occurrences
- Color Picker
- Config Toolbar
- DevDocs
- Python IntelliSense
- Terminal
- Color Text
- Differ
- CudaExt
- CSV Helper
- Complete From Text
- Colored Indent
- Find in Files 4
- Spell Checker
- Encode
- Markdown Editing
- Tab Icons
- ExtTools
- Detect Indent
- Markdown Preview
- Open URL
- Number Utils
- EditorConfig Support
- Paste as String
- DocBlock
- Macros
- HTML Completion
- Draw Lines
- Session Manager
- Font Awesome
- HTML Live Preview
- HTML Tidy
- Sync Editing
- SQL Tools
- Hash Generator
- CSS Property Info