plugin Embedded Editor
Posted: 11.06.2021 09:10
Plugin for CudaText.
Shows "included" file in embedded editor, when additional editor UI control is shown above the "inter-line gap". For example, you can open included .css / .js files while editing the HTML file.
Adds menu item to show/hide embedded editor in the current document, for the current caret position: "Plugins > Embedded Editor > Toggle".
By default, plugin searches for the included filename inside double-quotes, surrounding the caret position. This works OK for HTML and many other documents.
For example, when you have opened file "/folder/file.html", and placed caret inside first double-quotes:then embedded editor will be opened for file "/folder/css/style.css".
The search can be configured, though. For example, plugin can be used in Pascal files for comments like {$I}.
Configuration: Plugin has 2 config files, you will see 2 menu items in the
"Options > Settings-plugins > Embedded Editor".
Author: Shovel,
Shows "included" file in embedded editor, when additional editor UI control is shown above the "inter-line gap". For example, you can open included .css / .js files while editing the HTML file.
Adds menu item to show/hide embedded editor in the current document, for the current caret position: "Plugins > Embedded Editor > Toggle".
By default, plugin searches for the included filename inside double-quotes, surrounding the caret position. This works OK for HTML and many other documents.
For example, when you have opened file "/folder/file.html", and placed caret inside first double-quotes:
Code: Select all
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
The search can be configured, though. For example, plugin can be used in Pascal files for comments like {$I}.
Configuration: Plugin has 2 config files, you will see 2 menu items in the
"Options > Settings-plugins > Embedded Editor".
Author: Shovel,