management of accents on the French keyboard
management of accents on the French keyboard
first of all : bravo for your work
small problem in the qt5 version, with the management of accents on the French keyboard,
cudatext gtk2 : <^> + <e> = <ê>
cudatext qt5 : <^> + <e> = <e>
small problem in the qt5 version, with the management of accents on the French keyboard,
cudatext gtk2 : <^> + <e> = <ê>
cudatext qt5 : <^> + <e> = <e>
- Posts: 392
- Joined: 01.12.2020 13:46
It looks like a 'problem of lazarus Qt5 support', so please
a) check that it's the same on Lazarus IDE code-editor
b) write about it to (lazarus section)
I cannot do it myself, no FR keyboard.
a) check that it's the same on Lazarus IDE code-editor
b) write about it to (lazarus section)
I cannot do it myself, no FR keyboard.
- Posts: 392
- Joined: 01.12.2020 13:46
I posted this to lazarus forum ... ...
- Posts: 392
- Joined: 01.12.2020 13:46
1. what is your OS DE (desktop environment)?
manjaro + xfce ( dernières versions )
2. can you install the program "neofetch" in Linux and give its output here?3. what is output of this command in Terminal:
echo $QT_IM_MODULE => nothing
manjaro + xfce ( dernières versions )
2. can you install the program "neofetch" in Linux and give its output here?
Code: Select all
OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
Host: 80TJ Lenovo ideapad 110-15ACL
Kernel: 5.14.0-1-MANJARO
Uptime: 4 days, 2 hours, 14 mins
Packages: 1264 (pacman)
Shell: bash 5.1.8
Resolution: 1366x768
DE: Xfce 4.16
WM: Xfwm4
WM Theme: KissKool-Dark
Theme: KissKool-Dark [GTK2], inuse [GTK3]
Icons: Newaita-dark [GTK2/3]
Terminal: xfce4-terminal
Terminal Font: Inconsolata 14
CPU: AMD A4-7210 APU with AMD Radeon R3 Graphics (4) @ 1.800GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R3 Graphics
Memory: 2498MiB / 3322MiB
echo $QT_IM_MODULE => nothing
a bit randomly, i read : ... ions/15125
I just tried
I just tried
and the accents seem to work with cudatext.qt5QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
- Posts: 392
- Joined: 01.12.2020 13:46
some problems with sourceforge
to be complete
thank you for everything
to be complete
Code: Select all
instal ibus with pacman
in /etc/environment :
in ~/.xprofile :
ibus-daemon -dr
thank you for everything
some problems with sourceforge
to be complete
thank you for everything
to be complete
Code: Select all
instal ibus with pacman
in /etc/environment :
in ~/.xprofile :
ibus-daemon -dr
thank you for everything