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Lexer for Flutter framework, ie Dart lexer

Posted: 01.08.2021 13:28
by ertank

I tried to follow TutorialLexer1.odt file instructions. It seems to be written for SynWrite and menus like "Options -- Customize lexer library" does not exists under CudaText. It does not exists under Options -> Lexer -> ..." either.

Is it possible to build a new lexer using CudaText, or I need to install SynWrite for that matter?

For the record, I have never prepared a lexer file in my life before. I just wanted to try to help a friend who uses flutter for developing his applications on MacOS.

Thanks & Regards,

Posted: 01.08.2021 14:49
by uvviewsoft
You must install Synwrite, only Synwrite has the Lexer-config dialog. Menu item "options / customize lexer".

Posted: 01.08.2021 14:51
by uvviewsoft
And.... Flutter uses the Dart lang? and we have that lexer!

Posted: 01.08.2021 17:04
by ertank
I don't know Flutter myself. So, I take your word on it. Problem is, I cannot see and D letter for lexer selection popup.

Posted: 01.08.2021 17:08
by uvviewsoft
You should go to 'plugins / addon manager / install' and find there the Dart lexer, and install it.