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16x16 toolbar icons

Posted: 06.07.2022 13:51
by hexaae
Here are 16x16 icons toolbar version (default and light), for those with smaller 1920x1080 screens...!ApMUGr0cuN39go1RJEv ... g?e=YBETjl

Image example (syn color theme):

Posted: 06.07.2022 16:34
by main Alexey
thanks. I am sorry - theme 'light_16x16' now has JPEG files, and Cud cannot load it (it needs PNG files).
another theme 'default_16x16' is OK and nice.
please convert files to PNG.
I want to put these 2 themes to AddonManager under single package.

Posted: 06.07.2022 20:46
by hexaae
Ooops, I'm sorry. Please re-download (same link, updated zip)

Posted: 07.07.2022 10:18
by main Alexey
Published in AddonManager under name "toolbartheme: Default_Modified".
Tks! ... ar_themes/