How to customize "Log files.cuda-litelexer" ?
Posted: 16.07.2022 09:13
It's first time for me to use CudaText, could I customize the configuration file for "Log file" lexer?
Log files.cuda-litelexer. I added the last part "TextBlod", but it couldn't work, how to modify?
Thank you!
Log files.cuda-litelexer. I added the last part "TextBlod", but it couldn't work, how to modify?
Thank you!
Code: Select all
"about": "Converted from Matthias030's lexer by Alexey Torgashin",
"files": "*.log",
"case_sens": false,
"consider_spaces": true,
"rules": {
"success": {
"regex": "((?<!no )success|(?<!nicht )erfolgreich|(no|without( any)?) error|fehlerfrei|(ohne |kein(e)? )fehler|(?<!not )succeed|mit erfolg)",
"style": "LightBG3"
"error": {
"regex": "(error|exception|fail|fatal|crash|(?<!be)fehl(geschlagen)?(er)?|(ohne|kein|nicht) erfolg|violat)",
"style": "LightBG1"
"warning": {
"regex": "(warn|critical|kritisch|conflict|konflikt|ung(ü|ue)ltig|invalid|(nicht |un)zul(ä|ae)ssig|not ready|nicht bereit|not found|nicht gefunden|no success|not succeed|veraltet|out of date)",
"style": "LightBG2"
"type": {
"regex": "\\(.*?\\)|\\[.*?\\]|\\{.*?\\}",
"style": "Id2"
"id": {
"regex": "[a-z_]\\w*",
"style": "Id"
"number": {
"regex": "\\b((\\d+[-/\\.:T])*\\d+)\\b",
"style": "Id1"
"TextBlod": { <<==== NEW ADD
"regex": "[:space:][a-z]*@[a-z0-9-]*:.*>",
"style": "LightBG3"