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Adding new icon to toolbar

Posted: 14.10.2022 08:44
by hexaae
just added a new toolbar icon-button for quick change of wordwrap view (last image on the right):

The problem is: how to make it switch ON/OFF visually (see for example the miniview button)? I see no option for that in the Config Toolbar plugin.

Posted: 14.10.2022 10:00
by main Alexey
Added this, ... 6f3007011a .
will work in Cud update.

Posted: 14.10.2022 16:19
by hexaae
Thank you!
Here is the button for default icon set 16-24px:!ApMUGr0cuN39gppqVK_ ... g?e=Nnyxdp in case you want to include it.
Here is the light version:!ApMUGr0cuN39gpprdP3 ... g?e=49vTd2