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Regex Extract in found order

Posted: 28.11.2022 11:21
by mast

I love the ability to extract found matches, but I just realised that the result is sorted in alphabetical order.
I found this out while trying to match lines from different sections, like extracting all lines beginning on 1, and then lines beginning with 2 and so on.

Is there any way to get the result in the order it was matched?


Say I have a document with this text;

1. XCY
2. BDZ

1. ABC
2. AAA

If I extract all lines beginning with 1, I expect the result:

1. XCY
1. ABC

Instead, I get this result:

1. ABC
1. XCY

Posted: 30.11.2022 09:07
by main Alexey
Ok. agree. will be in update.
1.178.1 (2022/11)

* change: "Extract RegEx matches" action now doesn't sort matches