How to setup a predefined lexer (Text IMproved)?
Posted: 19.12.2022 16:41
I tried to add inside 'user.json' file the lexer 'Text IMproved' for save text files with default .txt extension.
(I have take the name from '\CudaText\data\lexlib\Text IMproved.lcf'
I have see Your example in Wiki at 'File types config', then I have validate user.json edited on JSONLint
But it do not works.
Do You can help me?
Here is my user.json modified:
Thanks in advance
I tried to add inside 'user.json' file the lexer 'Text IMproved' for save text files with default .txt extension.
(I have take the name from '\CudaText\data\lexlib\Text IMproved.lcf'
I have see Your example in Wiki at 'File types config', then I have validate user.json edited on JSONLint
But it do not works.
Do You can help me?
Here is my user.json modified:
Code: Select all
"detect": [
{"*.txt": "Text IMproved"},
{"*.ini": "Ini files"},
{"*.bat": "Batch files"},
"ui_lexer_themes" : false