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Config Toobar: tooltip not always visible

Posted: 17.01.2023 22:34
by BBServ
Today I am revising my toolbar and I combined a few buttons that I use, but not as often so I put them in a sub-menu. Since they are not used as often as others I added a tootip on those items to help me remember exactly what they do. To my surprise the tooltip does not dislay when I hover. Tooltips show on items I have added in the main toolbar. Is this an intended behavior?

Thanks in advance for your response.


Posted: 18.01.2023 11:26
by main Alexey
i did this:

- made root item-submenu 'mmm' with tooltip
- in this submenu, added button 'aaa' with tooltip
- added root button 'bbb' with tooltip

and tooltips for 'mmm' and 'bbb' are working.
of course, the tooltip for 'aaa' don't work because when I hover 'aaa' the menu is dropped down.
so what is wrong?

Posted: 18.01.2023 15:53
by BBServ
I expected that 'aaa' would display a tootip since I was allowed to add one. Not an issue, just confirming the behavior.
Thanks for responding.

Posted: 19.01.2023 08:41
by main Alexey
as I see, dropped down menu-items cannot show tooltips (at least in lazarus).